Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dreaming of Spring

I thought I would start this post with some scenes of summer to help us all through this yucky winter.  We've had storm after storm here, which has taken away all the novelty of snow.  It also makes me realize that I need better boots, but that's neither here nor there.  We haven't played in the snow because in addition to the snow, it's been very VERY cold, and not fun to go out in.  We are warm weather people.

The other thing that gets me through the end of winter is my 40 Days, 40 Bags house clean out.  When its done, it's wonderful to throw open the (clean) windows and let the sun in.  I started doing it in 2012, when I first discovered the blog Clover Lane.  It was very helpful before a move, and now that we are settled in a house, it keeps things under control.  We have no idea how we ever fit this stuff in an apartment.  Last year, I did some of the challenge, but I was dealing with health challenges and school.  This spring, I do not have as stressful as a semester, and hopefully I'll remain healthy.  

What is 40 Days 40 Bags?  Well, it takes place over the course of Lent (hence the 40 actually gives you Sundays off), and the goal is to evaluate and clean your house, freeing your mind up for higher pursuits.  Rather than giving something up, which doesn't have an impact on me, I choose to prepare myself for spring and Easter.  

Step One: Divide your house / life / dorm / apartment into 40 parts.  Include your car, computer, garage, and even your office at work.  I will post my 2014 list soon, but you can see the older posts under the word cloud.  

Step Two: In each area, take EVERYTHING out.  Clean, repair, evaluate.  Try all your clothing on.  Clean everything (even the inside of your drawers), and decide what stays, what goes, and what gets donated.  Sarah at Clover Lane suggests having certain supplies on hand, such as black trash bags, paper towels, and Magic Erasers.  Be sure to touch everything.  Stop putting those decisions off.

Step Three: Put everything back.  This can sometimes be the most difficult part.  When I clean out my craft closet, I have to detangle everything and then figure out what is the best way to keep it all in order.  Clothing is easier.  The kitchen is near impossible.  

By Easter, you'll have deep cleaned the entire space you dedicated to looking at.  It's a great feeling. 

Spring can't come soon enough!

- M.

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