Goals for 2014:
2. Complete 40 Days, 40 Bags challenge: I did a half-hearted version of this, but February and March were very challenging months. The first thing to go was the 40 Days challenge, which takes place over Lent. It's a way to purge and cleanse your life before Easter. It's my annual Lenten challenge, rather than trying to give up something. I'll post more about this closer to Lent.
4. Budget better and start saving for a Disney trip: I could budget better, simply put. I want to find a better way to make our food budget stretch further too. Since I'm not working full time (yet), I will use pocket change to save for our Disney trip, which we are hoping to take in two years. Once I get a better job, I will also (finally) start a future fund for E (money for college, trade school, what-have-you). Nope. Didn't happen. See #5.
5. Get a job that is fulfilling and helps pay the bills: My assistantship ends in May, so I need to get a job that begins in June. I need some specific work experience, but with my education, I'm hoping to double our household income. This will make 4 easier too! Tried as I might, I did not find a full time job after May. It has been a frustrating experience, which might also account for my lack of posts. I know 2015 has to be better on this front.
6. Organize the house more effectively: We organized some things this year that made life oddly easier. I would like to extend that throughout the house. I hate looking high and low for things that should just have a spot. Once I've purged in step 2, I want to make it easier to find the things we keep (the things that matter). Still working on this, but we made strides.
It's an attitude adjustment. My other mantra should be "live intentionally." I want to pay better attention to what goes in my body (thanks MyFitnessPal!), where my money goes (mint.com), and what happens to my time. I need to think long-term, worry about myself and my family, and less about what others think. Elliott will probably start pre-school, I'll probably start a new job. It's going to be a big year!
- M.
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