Friday, December 30, 2011


I enjoy a fresh start.

In my life, each year presents itself with multiple fresh starts, and I take advantage of every one.  I get New Years, I get two new semesters, I get summer break, I get Lent.  I enjoy making goals and organizing my thoughts.  This year, I'm being a little ambitious.

Last year, I was pregnant, and to me, that was the only thing I needed to concentrate on.  I was eating healthier, I was in good shape.  Nothing was more important to me than having a healthy, successful pregnancy.  This year, I have other (smaller) goals.

I'm breaking them up into small chunks.  A few are year-long, but others are monthly or seasonal.  I'm only committing to a few now.  I don't know what my priorities may need to be come March (that's when I'll hear back from graduate schools).  I'm also not posting all of them here, but I'll leave you with a few.

For 2012, I want to simplify my life.  Fewer junk emails, fewer online obligations, less stuff.  Most of my other goals work into that.

  • By Elliott's first birthday, I want be back in shape.  When my little guy turns one in July, I want the only reminders of my pregnancy to be pictures, the wisdom I gained, and of course, my little man.
  • During Lent, I'm going to make a square-a-day blanket.  I'm also going to do the modified 40 Days, 40 Bags challenge from Clover Lane.
  • January's goal is to be 100% ready for the History semester, and flexibly ready for my American Studies class.  I've taught the history class now 5 semesters, so my assignments are refined and my lectures just need a little tweaking.  I'm teaching a new class this year, so I know when that happens, being too unyielding is detrimental overall.
  • In February (in which we have an extra day!), I will have my kitchen in order by the end of the month.  This includes meal planning, organizing, and just eating better.
  • In March, in honor of the Academy Awards, I will write a movie review every day and revive my movie blog.  I got a movie journal for Christmas, so I'll watch movies throughout January and February, but I'll make sure there are 31 new articles / reviews on my movie blog during the month of March.
  • I also have a reading goal of 20 books for the year.  I'm terrible about reading, which is especially sad considering my profession.  When I'm assigned new books, I read them, but I don't just sit down and read.  I got some great books for Christmas, and I always have quality access to books.  I have a GoodReads account, so I'll keep track and review there.
These may seem ambitious, but they don't cost a cent, and they will help me achieve all of my year-long goals.  I'll add to these after I see what the graduate school situation is (or isn't).  

Happy New Year!

- J & M (& E & B)

1 comment:

  1. Good goals! I love goal setting. I'm interested in the movie reviews because I hardly watch any, do when I do I want them to be good. Wishing you a great new year!
