Monday, April 25, 2011

This is why I was born in December

Well, I now fully understand why my mom had both her children in the winter.

This week in the City of Brotherly Love, we have been experiencing a touch of summer, especially the last two days.  Easter wasn't bad because we were at my aunt and uncle's house and hung out on the patio or in the basement.  However, today, I seem to be plagued by the heat.  I'm wearing a tube dress, have the air on full, drinking water like its my job, and I still seem to be sweating.  Poor Barney is also suffering in the heat.  He hasn't shed enough yet and our apartment is much warmer than our old house ever was.  I took a nap and he woke up next to me and it was like having a little sun laying next to me.  He's so cute, but the warmth is just too much.

It's going to be crazy hot around his due date, so if any one out there has any advice on how to stay cool, I'd appreciate it.

All in all, Easter was wonderful with delicious food and fun family.  My parents spent the weekend, so I took them to church.  I'm trying to find a new church.  I've never had incentive to find a parish before because I just went to La Salle for mass.  However, in order to get Elliott baptized, I have to belong to a church.  So, I test drove a church this weekend, and I really liked it.  I'll go back soon and try a regular mass.

- J & M.


  1. There are benefits/disadvantages to all the seasons with having a baby. Christopher was the last day of August and everyone pitied me. It wasn't that bad though. Pools, cool showers or even putting your feet in some cold water in the bathtub helps. I'd also hang out at public places like libraries and stores. I liked summer.

    With Andrew due in Dec. it was hard to find a winter coat that fit (didn't want to spend money on maternity) and tough with all the holiday preparations /running around being so huge and uncomfortable. Then after the baby's born it's too cold to go out much so you're stuck in the house. So there's always something! :0 I hope you get relief.

  2. I can't really help but... being as EZ is due so close to my birthday, my mama might have some sage advice for you!
