Honestly, who doesn't love free stuff? Today I got an offer in my email about a free nursing cover and a free baby sling. It came from a reliable source, but I was still a little suspicious and checked the whole thing out. All I had to do was pay for shipping? Really? There must be a catch.
Well, there wasn't a catch. I really just had to pay for shipping. On top of that, they let me use my PayPal, so I didn't even have to give credit card info. I have freelancing money, so I just used that. To top it all off, the styles and fabrics were adorable, so I'm really excited about these. I don't feel like I'm settling.
So, now I have a nursing cover and a sling on their way, along with the things I ordered from Amazon the other day. My Boppy is already shipped, which is good because I would like to have that (and the covers) in hand by the time Elliott shows up. I love getting packages!
Just as a side note: I already have a Moby, but this sling is a little different and made more for a slightly older baby. This way we have options with carrying him, as do the other people who might be caring for him (our parents and siblings).
I'm just so excited for free things!
(I still have the code and you can use it numerous times, apparently, if anyone wants it).
- J & M.
Cool! I'd love to see the nursing cover. Would you believe after nursing both kids I still didn't get one and blankets are so difficult to keep in place.