Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gearing Up

For thousands of years, women had children and raised them successfully without the assistance of Babies 'R' Us and Target, but standing here right now waiting for Elliott to show up, I can't fathom it.  Part of this is probably from being raised in a society that puts a lot of emphasis on material goods, convincing parents that they can't do it without the latest and greatest baby things.

However, I'm OK with the ways my nesting instinct has manifested itself.  Nesting is part of every woman's preparation for birth, but it manifests itself in a variety of ways.  I have been cleaning and purchasing the things Elliott and I will need, as well as thinking about these things and what they mean.  I have an analytical mind, and I didn't expect it to shut off in terms of my child.  Other women nest by being as well informed as possible and forming detailed opinions about how they are going to raise their children.   One of my best friend in graduate school actually wrote her thesis on nesting in the Mormon community (something I would love to read...hint, hint Nancy...).

Today, my final shipment of baby supplies arrived at my door (two days early, a pleasant surprise after the nursing tank debacle).  I got my Boppy, the waterproof cover, the slipcover, the Sophie the Giraffe teether, bottles (MAM Anti-Colic, for those interested.  I was a colicky baby), and the Moleskine Passions Baby Journal.  I have a mild obsession with Moleskine notebooks, and this journal has a place for everything about the baby.  I'm so excited to start filling it out.  I now feel fully prepared to have Elliott.  I really wanted to have the Boppy (and the covers) so when Elliott arrived, I could learn to nurse with the pillow.  I can't wait to bond with my little boy.

This weekend, which we are obviously playing by ear, will probably be awesome, no matter what happens.  Elliott could arrive (which would be the best).  If he doesn't, and I get the green-light from our midwife on Friday, we might make a day trip to Wildwood to see my family.  My dad's uncle has a bungalow there and my sister, her best friend, and some aunts and cousins will be there.  We'll see.

 - J & M.

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