See what I did there?
Actual blue sky from this summer. |
This week marks the slow transition back into the school year, although at this level, we don't really get the summer "off." Granted, I don't go to work, but I had a new course prep, dissertation research, and a summer class. Yesterday was my third graduate assistant orientation at school. It really made me realize how long I've been at this campus, and how much financial assistance they have provided me. A few new things, but more or less the drill is the same. I got to meet some of the new assistants, as well as reconnect with some of the rising Ph.D. students who were previously Masters students.
Drawing with chalk in the backyard. |
Considering how long the university summer is, I assumed things would pretty much be in order by now. We are moving offices, thanks to some new faculty, and changing how we dole out assistant hours to some of the faculty (to prevent having a lot of unaccounted for hours at the end of the semester). Well, neither new thing was sorted out. The old tenants of our new offices are still there (school starts in less than a week) and the new hours weren't figured out either. I really wanted to be able to provide E's sitters with some concrete hours, but seeing as I'm the only parent in the G.A. group, I'm not shocked this wasn't considered. I don't pull the parent card much, but I will in this situation. I need to have consistent hours that mesh with the schedules of my sitters. I'm actually not concerned about that, but I have already determined that I will bring Elliott into the fray if necessary.
Garden Update: Our sunflowers bloomed, the cherry tomatoes are still producing, and I'm super disappointed by the beefsteak plant. Perhaps it got too much water this summer (it has been really wet in our neck of the woods), but it has about 5 GIANT tomatoes that have not yet ripened. Next year might only see cherry tomatoes in the garden.
Our sunflower attracted a bee. |
Jason and I caught summer colds this weekend, so my productivity has been down. I have to miss the last week of summer dance, and I hope I can just get the necessary things done by next Monday!
Before my cold showed up, I did go to the Mt. Grenta Outdoor Art Show again. As always, it was a really fun time, and I actually bought a hand-made item this year (not a t-shirt or souvenir like years past). It's a ceramic yarn bowl, which prevents your yarn from falling all over the place while you use it. It sounds ridiculous, but using it keeps things orderly and untangled. I would love to vacation at Mt. Gretna someday; it's almost like being transported back in time.
"Under the trees at Old Chataqua" |
One of the adorable homes. |
Inside the Jigger Shop, the delicious ice cream place. |
A perennial favorite home to look at. |
Beautiful flower from house above. |
Metal and glasswork flower. Just a taste of the pieces at the show. |
Stained glass lamp in the Jigger Shop.
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