Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lazy Summer Days.

As anyone knows, the novelty of summer wears off.  For me, this usually happens around the end of July.  Perhaps earlier than most, but I love structure and schedule and having meaningful things to do.  Elliott also likes schedule (he put himself on one that I love), so it will be nice to go back to school and have some structure for everyone.

In order to combat the boredom, we've tried to keep busy.  We have lunch at Nana's once a week, dinner with my family at least once a week, and I go to dance twice a week.  I originally intended to go only for Level 5 (the top level that I ended with), but I went to a lower level the first week to warm up and I decided the warm-up was a good thing every week.  I haven't danced since about 4 months before E was born, so I have to treat myself differently after class.  I have to ice my shins and ankles, drink a lot more water, and usually take a Tylenol.  I also have to stretch after class and the next morning.  The school doesn't have sprung floors, so I'm not surprised my legs and ankles are achy.  I'm having a ton of fun though.  I love learning choreography, and since I go different days, I learn from a couple different people.  Last night, we did a lyrical combo and a hip-hop combo.  I look silly doing hip-hop.  I wish we would do a tap combo, but we just do a lot of across the floor.

Elliott and I also take little adventures throughout the week.  We went shopping yesterday, and we're visiting my grandparents with my sister today.  Between that and dance, it will be a long day.

My sister is leaving for NC on Sunday, and we will be sad to see her go.  I'm close with my sister, but Elliott just adores his Aunt Sarah.  Hopefully we can visit her this fall.

Yesterday, Elliott gave me a 2 1/2 hour block in the afternoon, and it was glorious!  I vacuumed, showered, blow-dried my hair, dusted the first floor, cleaned the kitchen, and read 50 pages of "Bringing Up Bebe," which I finished last night.  In short, it was an incredible look at how another culture parents its children.  I'm definitely going to adopt some of those methods and tips (especially teaching my child autonomy, respect, and patience).

- M.

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