Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 19

Baby Yinger is in the midst of week number 19. For one of the first times in my pregnancy, I can tell that serious growth and progress is being made.

First, my body is growing at a much higher rate than before. I have a lot more stretching pains, and my clothes are fitting less well. I bought my first maternity dress (Old Navy was having a sale and I need a dress for work / special occasions). It's adorable and I can't wait for the weather to warm up slightly so I can wear it out.

Second, Baby Yinger is starting to get the hang of kicking and moving in a more definite way than before. Now, movement is less flutters and more definite punches or whatnot. He / She even had a case of the hiccups the other day, which was awesome / kinda wild. After dance rehearsal today, he / she wanted to keep going, I think. Someone was doing the cha-cha in there.

Finally, other baby related things are moving along. We found a new apartment, which we are super excited about. We have a hold on it and we are just waiting for the credit checks to go through. Pictures later. I know when my baby shower is and I'm helping to plan that as well. I'm almost half way through the school semester too, so my "leave-of-absence", as my boss calls it, is getting closer and closer.

Thanks for all the comments. I do have two questions for my readers.
1. For mamas (or other baby care-givers): What was the one thing you could not live without on your registry? We are planning on cloth diapers and breastfeeding, so take that into consideration.
2. For everyone: I'm looking for great recipes, including some to freeze for the early days of baby-life. I have some in mind (my spaghetti sauce, taco soup, and chili), but I could use others. Thoughts?

- J & M.


  1. Can't live without the baby swing, bottles (even if breastfeeding in case you need to pump), baby sling is great for summer babies. Swaddling blankets even though it will be warm. Swaddling does wonders for soothing babies. Cloth diapers! You are brave :)

    Stuff I freeze: Sausage and peppers in sauce and meatballs in sauce for sandwiches. Ziti is an easy one. Chicken pot pie and pretty much any soups.

  2. P.S. Manual breast pumps work just as well as electric and are way less expensive. In fact I like manual better because you can control the suction (which helps with discomfort). I have the Avent manual pump (sorry if it's TMI).

  3. I second the manual pump thing. Oddly it is way more efficient. For cloth diapers, we have decided we like our Bum Genuis ones the best. They fit for almost all stages of growth, are easy to clean, and are easy to use store and tote. Get lots of pjs and long socks from like gap or target so hopefully they stay on. A boppy is nice to set a baby in who is learning to sit up but can't quite do it alone. Design mom has a great series on nesting

    Freezer meals: grilled slices of chicken to throw on a salad or quesadilla; sweet and sour pork chicken or meatballs; lasagna rolls with spinach and ricotta; pancakes and waffles; cooked ground beef with onions to make quick tacos. Everyday food mag online has some good ideas and recipes for make ahead meals.
