On Sunday, Jason and I traveled to Whitehall, PA (just outside Allentown) to meet up with my family and my aunt and cousins for Christmas lunch. We always do this, since it's easier than traveling all the way to Aunt Rosemary's or all the way to Mom and Dad's. We usually do this earlier in the Christmas holiday, but my cousin Michael spent December in India, and he was stranded by the huge blizzard and couldn't fly into Newark.
After lunch, my parents, sister, Jason and I went to Babies R Us to look at my cousin Liz's registry (Jason and I are one of three couples in my mom's family to be expecting.) I'm making Liz her gift, so Jason and I took the opportunity to do a little baby browsing of our own. We tried out a bunch of gliders and actually chose a nursery theme!
We think this is a totally gender neutral theme with a lot of character. Jason and I both love blue and green, and with the furniture we already have (we're using my current dresser and my crib from when I was a baby...don't worry, we had it checked), and a little yellow on the walls, this will be a nice, bright place for the baby.
I also had a doctor's appointment today. While I didn't gain any weight (actually, I lost a pound), my tummy is growing right on track and the baby's heartbeat was 150 b/m, which is right in the correct range. Baby was hiding in the back, apparently near my heartbeat, and it was awesome to hear that little heart go. We only got to see the heart beating last time, but now we get to hear it at every visit. We also got the paperwork to schedule our "anatomy scan" ultrasound, which is when we get to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. It's also the half-way point of the pregnancy, which is crazy to think about.
Today was a big baby day. With the snow coming tomorrow, we'll probably stay in most of the weekend and get things done around the house....or not.
- J & M.
Fun fun! I'm so excited for you. As I know you know I know, nesting is a very important part of your pregnancy! Let me know if I can help you with your vision for the nursery.